Monday, September 7, 2009

This Sickness - debut performance

What is it that compels a grown man to put on a sparkly pink cowboy hat on stage in front of friends, colleagues and his own parents? Ah poetry, my twisted mistress.

Anyway, Carmen and I debuted our performance piece 'This Sickness' at Glitch Bar in North Fitzroy on Sunday night, to a generally positive response from some people I respect immensely. My favourite comment so far came from Anna Fern, the MC for the night, who described us as corruption (me) and luminosity (Carmen), which I'm so absolutely using on the next press release. The 70's porn sample on the soundtrack, featuring the line "Eat me, come on. Taste that trucker's cum, taste it you bitch" may actually have gotten a better response than the poems themselves. And certain audience members are apparently still in shock after my post-rock Celine Dion remix. I am proud yes. Weirdest moment was the brief disappointment afterwards that I hadn't taken all my clothes off. Who'd have thought? Maybe next time. Maybe not.

Given our almost total lack of rehearsal, I was pretty happy with our performance and with some work to beat it into shape I think it could be a fine one to flog around the slightly edgier festival circuit. I feel that Carmen and I have found a good balance between the personal and the profane and the hmm that's a bit of both isn't it.

I like that there's still a place for this kind of mischief in the Overload Poetry Festival.

A chapbook of the poems is available from the green Safeway bag beside my bed.

The gig has also sparked off a bit of debate over at the Overland blog -

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's not a blog, it's an abandoned black screen. Write! How is all? Moogan. xx
